Ban, C., Béthoux, É., Rhodes, M., Martínez Lucio, M., Erne, R., Stan, S., Golden, D., Szabó, I., & Maccarrone, V. (2024). 'A Book Review Forum on Politicising Commodification', ILR Review, 78(1): 240-254. Full text.
Erne, R., Stan, S., Golden, D., Szabó, I. and Maccarrone, V. (2024) Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency. Cambridge University Press. Download open access here.
Erne, R., Hauptmeier, M., Pulignano, V. and Turnbull, P. (2024) ‘Introduction to a Special Issue. Social Europe: The Changing Contours of Transnational Employment Relations in the European Union’, ILR Review, 77(5): 643-658. Full text.
Erne, R., Anner, M., Ford, M., Kay, T. and Maccarrone, V. (2025) 'Regional integration: a promising tool to advance the international decent work agenda?', in: M. Moore, C. Scherrer and M. van der Linden (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 396-411. Full text.
Golden, D., Szabó, I. and Erne, R. (2025) 'Commodifying public utilities: EU’s new governance prescriptions for rail and water', Governance, 38(1), DOI: 10.1111/gove.12909. Full text.
Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2024) 'Pursuing an overarching commodification script through country-specific interventions? The EU’s New Economic Governance prescriptions in healthcare (2009–2019)', Socio-Economic Review, 22(4): 1733-1754. Full text. Download with online appendix.
Golden, D. and Erne, R. (2022) 'Ryanair pilots: Unlikely pioneers of transnational collective action', European Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(4): 451-469. Full text.
Szabó, I. G., Golden, D. and Erne, R. (2022) 'Why Do some Labour Alliances Succeed in Politicizing Europe Across Borders? A Comparison of the Right2Water and Fair Transport European Citizens' Initiatives', Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(3): 634-652. Full text.
Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2021) 'Bringing society back into our understanding of European cross-border care', Journal of European Social Policy, 31(4): 432-439. Full text.
Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2021) 'Time for a paradigm change? Incorporating transnational processes into the analysis of the emerging European health-care system', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 27(3): 289-302. Full text.
Stan, S., Erne, R. and Gannon, S. (2021) 'Bringing EU citizens together or pulling them apart? The European Health Insurance Card, east-west mobility, and the failed promise of European social integration', Journal of European Social Policy 31(4): 409-423. Full text.
Jordan, J., Maccarrone, V. and Erne, R. (2021) 'Towards a Socialisation of the EU's New Economic Governance Regime? EU labour policy interventions in Germany, Italy, Ireland and Romania (2009-2019)', British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(1): 191-213. Full text. Download with online appendix.
Erne, R. (2019) 'How To Analyse A Supranational Regime That Nationalises Social Conflict? The European Crisis, Labour Politics and Methodological Nationalism', in: Nanopoulos, E. and Vergis, F. (eds.) The Crisis Behind the Euro-Crisis: The Euro-Crisis as Systemic Multi-Dimensional Crisis of the EU. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 346-368. Full text.
Erne, R. (2018) 'Labour Politics and the EU's New Economic Governance Regime (European Unions): A new European Research Council project', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 24(2): 237-247. Full text.
Ban, C., Béthoux, É., Rhodes, M., Martínez Lucio, M., Erne, R., Stan, S., Golden, D., Szabó, I., & Maccarrone, V. (2024). 'A Book Review Forum on Politicising Commodification'. ILR Review, DOI 10.1177/00197939241292992.
Béthoux, É., Erne, R., Golden, D. (2018) 'A primordial attachment to the nation? French and Irish workers and trade unions in past EU referendum debates', British Journal of Industrial Relations 56(3): 656-678. Full text.
Erne, R., Anner, M., Ford, M., Kay, T. and Maccarrone, V. (2025) 'Regional integration: a promising tool to advance the international decent work agenda?', in: Moore, M., Scherrer, C. and van der Linden, M. (eds.) The Elgar Companion to Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 396-411. Full text.
Erne, R. and Nowak, J. (2024) 'Ökonomischer Wettbewerbsdruck oder politische EU-Interventionen? Katalysatoren transnationaler soziökonomischer Prozesse in Europa (1997–2020)', WSI Mitteilungen 77(5): 363-370. Full text.
Erne, R. (2023) 'Interest Groups', in: Caramani, D. (ed.) Comparative Politics (6th ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 277-293. (not ERC-financed but disseminating our research results)
Erne, R., Maccarrone, V., Golden, D. (2022) 'Dalla crisi finanziaria alla pandemia di Covid-19: un lungo Semestre per i diritti dei lavoratori (From the financial crisis to the Covid-19 pandemic: a long Semester for workers' rights)', Rivista Giuridica Del Lavoro E Della Previdenza Sociale, 1/2022: 121-148. Full text.
Erne, R. (2020) 'Interest Groups', in: Caramani, D. (ed.) Comparative Politics (5th ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 252-266. (not ERC-financed but disseminating our research results)
Erne, R. (2019) 'Social Movements or State Apparatus?', in: Kiess, J. M. and Seeliger, M. (eds.) Trade Unions and European Integration: A Question of Optimism and Pessimism? New York: Routledge, pp. 259-266. Full text.
Erne, R. (2019) 'Labour Politics and the EU's New Economic Governance Regime: Methodological Challenges and Innovations of a New Research Agenda', in: Pulignano, V. and Hendrickx, F. (eds.) Employment Relations in the 21st century: Challenges for Theory and Research in a Changing World of Work, Vol. 107. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer Law International, pp. 93-98. Full text.
Erne, R. and Blaser, M. (2018) 'Direct Democracy and Trade Union Action', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 24(2): 217-232. Full text.
Föhrer, B., Erne, R. and Finlay, G. (2021) 'Transnational Competence: A Transformative Tool? A Comparison of German and Irish Political Trade Union Education Programs', Labour Studies Journal 46(2): 182-212. Full text.
Golden, D. (2019) 'A Fairer Europe For Workers... Or Else? Some observations from the ETUC Congress 2019, Vienna, 21-24 May 2019', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 25(4): 489-493. Full text.
Galanti, C. (2023) The struggle for healthcare under the European Union’s new economic governance regime. Trade union and grassroots mobilisations in response to healthcare commodification in Italy and Romania (2008 – 2022). PhD thesis, University College Dublin. Full text.
Galanti, C. and Naughton, M. (2023) 'Using the Unions: Healthcare Struggles in Italy and Spain between Trade Unionism and Self-Organization', Partecipazione & Conflitto 16(2): 216-233. Full text.
Galanti, C. (2024) 'National heroes, disposable workers. How collective action in the health and social care sector during the pandemic negotiated with the self-sacrificing worker ideal', Gender, Work & Organization 31(2): 606-624. Full text.
Galanti, C. (2022) 'Le politiche di austerità nel Servizio sanitario nazionale. Il ruolo della governance economica europea (2008-2021)', in: Millefiorini, A. and Moini, G. (eds.) Covid, azione pubblica e crisi della contemporaneità. Primato o declino della politica? Rome: Sapienza Università Editrice, pp. 221-237. Full text.
Maccarrone, V. (2024) 'The Europeanization of Wage Policy and Its Consequences for Labor Politics: The Case of Ireland', ILR Review, 77(5): 716-741. Full text.
Maccarrone, V., Erne, R. and Golden, D. (2023) 'The European Union: a significant player in labour policymaking', in: Clegg, D. and Durazzi, N. (eds.) Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 219-233. Full text.
Maccarrone, V. and Erne, R. (2023) 'Ireland: Trade unions recovering after being tipped off balance by the Great Recession?', in: Waddington, J., Müller, T. and Vandaele, K. (eds.) Trade unions in the European Union: Picking up the pieces from the neoliberal challenge. Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 585-624. Full text.
Maccarrone, V., Erne, R., Regan, A. (2019) 'Ireland: life after social partnership', in: Müller, T., Vandaele, K. and Waddington, J. (eds.) Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame. Brussels: ETUI, Vol. II, pp. 315-335. Full text.
Naughton, M. (2023) Protest in response to the commodification of healthcare in the era of the European Union’s new economic governance regime. PhD thesis, University College Dublin. Full text.
Naughton, M. (2022) 'Mobilising societal power: Understanding public support for nursing strikes', Industrial Relations Journal 53(2): 93-109. Full text.
Nowak, J. and Erne, R. (2024) 'Unions and politics: why unions are not just the economic wing of the labour movement', in: Gall, G. (ed.) The Handbook of Labour Unions. Newcastle: Agenda Publishing, pp. 401-420. Full text.
Stan, S. (2018) 'Neoliberal citizenship and the politics of corruption: redefining informal exchange in Romanian healthcare', in: Carrier, J. (ed.) Economy, Crime and Wrong in a Neoliberal Era. EASA, 32. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 172-194. Full text.
Mainil, T. and Stan, S. (2019) 'Transnational Health Care', in: Winnett, R. et al. (eds) Health Care Social Work: A Global Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 42-57. Full text.
Stan, S. and Toma, V. V. (2018) 'Accumulation by Dispossession and Public-Private Biomedical Pluralism in Romanian Health Care', Medical Anthropology 38 (1): 85-99. Full text.
Szabó, I. (2022) ''Recovery and Resilience' - How that looks from the east', in: A. Watt (ed.) National Recovery and Resilience Plans. Berlin: Hans Böckler Stiftung, pp. 38-42. Full text.
Szabó, I. (2022) 'The wages of reconstruction - the EU's new budget and the public service staff shortage crisis on the EU's eastern periphery', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 28(1): 141-145. Full text.
Szabó, I. (2020) 'Radikal verantwortungsvoll. Der irische Krankenpflegestreik von 2019', in: Dück, J. and Schoppengerd, S. (eds.) Krankenhäuser in Bewegung. Internationale Kämpfe für gute Versorgung und Arbeitsbedingungen. MATERIALIEN Nr. 35. Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, pp. 16-23. Full text.
Szabó, I. (2020) 'Professionals on the road to contention: Social movement unionism in healthcare labour disputes across Europe', Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43(1): 410-430. Full text.
Szabó, I. (2018) 'Trade unions and the sovereign power of the state. A comparative analysis of employer offensives in the Danish and Irish public sectors', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 24(2): 163-178. Full text.
Crespy, A. and Szabó, I. (2018) 'Healthcare Reforms and Fiscal Discipline in Europe: Responsibility or Responsiveness?', European Policy Analysis 4(2): 214-233. Full text.
Maccarrone, V. (2022) 'Cédric Hugrée, Etienne Pénissat and Alexis Spire (2020) Social Class in Europe: New Inequalities in the Old World. London: Verso. ISBN: 9781788736282. 224 pp. Paperback £16.99', Global Labour Journal 13(1): 153-155. Full text.
Maccarrone, V. (2021) 'Fighting for water: Resisting privatization in Europe. Bieler, Andreas. Zed Books, 2021. ISBN: 9781786995087', British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(4): 1170-1172. Full text.
Maccarrone, V. (2021) 'Governance and the European social dimension: Politics, power and the social deficit in a post-2010 EU, Copeland, Paul, Routledge, Abingdon, UK, 2020. 222 pp. $160 (cloth)', Governance 34(2): 587-590. Full text.
Bieler, A., Erne, R., Golden, D., Helle, I., Kjeldstadli, K., Matos, T. and Stan, S. (eds.) (2015) Labour and Transnational Action in Times of Crisis. Lanham/London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Erne, R. (2008) European Unions. Labor's Quest for a Transnational Democracy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (A paperback edition was published in 2010.) Full text.
Erne, R., Gross, A., Kaufmann, B. and Kleger, H. (eds.) (1995) Transnationale Demokratie. Impulse für ein demokratisch verfasstes Europa. Zürich: Realotopia. Full text.
Léonard, E., Erne, R., Marginson, P. and Smismans, S. (with collaboration of P. Tilly) (2007) New structures, forms and processes of governance in European industrial Relations. Dublin/Luxembourg: Eurofound/Office for the Official Publications of the European Communities. Full text.
Erne, R., Bieler, A., Golden, D., Helle, I., Kjeldstadli, K., Matos, T. and Stan, S. (2015) 'Politicizing the transnational', Labor History 56(3). Available here.
Erne, R., Bieler, A., Golden, D., Helle, I., Kjeldstadli, K., Matos, T. and Stan, S. (2015) 'European collective action in times of crisis', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 21(2). Available here.
Erne, R. (2015) 'A supranational regime that nationalizes social conflict. Explaining European trade unions' difficulties in polticizing European economic governance', Labor History 56(3): 345-368. Full text.
Erne, R. (2013) 'National unionism and union democracy in crisis', Labor History 54(4): 471-476. Full text.
Erne, R., Bieler, A., Golden, D., Helle, I., Kjeldstadli, K., Matos, T. and Stan, S. (2015) 'Introduction: Politicizing the Transnational', Labor History 56(3): 237-245. Full text.
Erne, R. and Imboden, N. (2015) 'Equal pay by gender and by nationality: a comparative analysis of Switzerland's unequal equal pay policy regimes across time', Cambridge Journal of Economics 39(2): 655-674. Full text.
Phelan, C. et al. (2009) 'Labor History Symposium: Roland Erne, European unions', Labor History 50(2): 187-216. Full text.
Stan, S., Erne, R. (2016) 'Is migration from Central and Eastern Europe an opportunity for trade unions to demand higher wages? Evidence from the Romanian health sector', European Journal of Industrial Relations 22(2): 167-183. Full text.
Stan, S., Helle, I., Erne, R. (2015) 'European collective action in times of crisis', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 21(2): 131-139. Full text.
Bieler, A. and Erne, R. (2015) 'Transnational Solidarity? The European Working Class in the Eurozone Crisis', in: Panitch, L. and Albo, G. (eds.) Transforming Classes [Yearbook: Socialist Register 2015]. London/New York: Merlin Press/Monthly Review Press, pp. 157-177. Full text.
Bieler, A., Erne, R., Golden, D., Helle, I. Kjeldstadli, K., Matos, T., and Stan, S. (2015) 'Questions for the Future: Towards and Analytical Framework', in: Bieler, A., Erne, R., Golden, D., Helle, I. Kjeldstadli, K., Matos, T., and Stan, S. (eds.) Labour and Transnational Action in Times of Crisis. Lanham/London: Rowman & Littlefield International, pp. 223-230.
Erne, R. (2017) 'Interest Groups', in: Caramani, D. (ed.) Comparative Politics (4th ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 245-259.
Erne, R. (2015) 'Auf dem Weg zu einer erzwungenen Integration nationaler Arbeitsbeziehungen?', in: Pernicka, S. (ed.) Horizontale Europäisierung im Feld der Arbeitsbeziehungen. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 183-200. Available here.
Erne, R. (2012) 'European industrial relations after the crisis. A postscript', in: Smismans, S. (ed.) The European Union and Industrial Relations - New Procedures, New Context. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 225-235. Full text.
Erne, R. (2012) 'European Unions after the Global Crisis', in: Burroni, L., Keune, M. and Meardi, G. (eds.) Economy and Society in Europe: A Relationship in Crisis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 124-139. Full text.
Erne, R. and Schief, S. (2017) 'Strong Ties between Independant Organizations: Unions and Political Parties in Switzerland', in: Allern, E. and Bale, T. (eds.) Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 226-245. Full text.
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