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ERC Team (UCD), Prof Guglielmo Meardi (SNS), Prof Adrienne Héritier (EUI), and the EUI Researchers at the ERC Workshop in Florence

Roland Erne

Invited presentation, Colloquium of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), Germany, 5 Dec.

PresentationERC Workshop, Florence, Italy, 28-30 Oct.

Invited panelistDBEI ILO NUI Conference, Dublin, 17 Sep.

Keynote speech and presentationILERA European CongressDüsseldorf, Germany, 5-7 Sep.

PresentationECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, 4-7 Sep.

Editorial Board Member, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 1 Sep.

Presentation with Sabina Stan, ISA RC19 Annual ConferenceMannheim, Germany, 28-30 Aug. See Working Paper 4.

Presentation, UCD Spring Seminar Series, Dublin, 12 Jun.

External expert and conference participant, ETUC Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 May.

PresentationUCD SDGs Research Seminar Series 2019Dublin, 14 May.

Appointed Vertrauensdozent (Liaison Professor) by the Hans-Boeckler-Foundation's scholarship department, which grants scholarships to about 2,900 students every year on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Düsseldorf, Germany, May.

Contributions to the issue of flanking measures regarding equal pay for migrant workers which are threatened by the current draft Swiss-EU agreement. The contributions are available in the magazine of the Swiss Socialist Party (p. 13) and on the blog of the Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) of the German trade union-related Hans-Boeckler-Foundation (both 18 Apr).

DiscussantInternational Doctoral Workshop on Employment Relations, Warwick Business SchoolCoventry, UK, 7-8 Mar. The discussion concerned two PhD chapters of students from SNS Florence and FAOS Copenhagen.

Costanza Galanti

Workshop participant, second regional workshop of the joint HOSPEEM-EPSU 2019-20 EU-funded project, Rome, Italy, 15 Nov.

Workshop participant, ERC Workshop, Florence, Italy, 28-30 Oct.

PresentationUCD Graduate Research Student Symposium 2019, UCD Sutherland School of Law, Dublin, 2 May.

Conference participant, ETUC Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 May.

Darragh Golden

Presentation with Imre Szabó, UCD College of Business Research Symposium, Dublin, 18 Dec.

Invited presentation, CGIL conference to mark the ILO's 100th anniversay, Modena, Italy, 3 Oct.

Workshop participant, 'Labour & the Politics of Trade', Politics & Labour Network, University of Padova, Italy, 23-25 Oct.

PresentationERC Workshop, Florence, Italy, 28-30 Oct.

PresentationECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, 4-7 Sep.

PresentationISA RC19 Annual ConferenceMannheim, Germany, 28-30 Aug. See Working Paper 6.

Moderator, fringe meeting at the 10th EPSU CongressDublin, 5 Jun.

Conference participant, ETUC Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 May.

PresentationEuropean Studies Centre Deakin Fellow Conference, Oxford, UK, 30 May. See co-authored BJIR article.

Vincenzo Maccarrone

Received the 2019 PhD award for research, innovation and impact from the UCD College of Business; won jointly with Martina Assereto (PhD in Finance), Dublin, 18 Dec.

Workshop participant, 'Labour & the Politics of Trade', Politics & Labour Network, University of Padova, Italy, 23-25 Oct.

PresentationERC Workshop, Florence, Italy, 28-30 Oct.

With Anthony Brabazon (Dean of Business)

PresentationILERA European CongressDüsseldorf, Germany, 5-7 Sep.

Presentation with Roland Erne, NERI Monthly Seminar, Dublin, 19 Sep.

PresentationHistorical Materialism ConferenceAthens, Greece, 2-5 May.

Conference participant, ETUC Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 May.

Visiting Researcher, Marco Biagi Foundation, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, Apr-Jun.

Presentation, International Doctoral Workshop on Employment Relations, Warwick Business SchoolCoventry, UK, 7-8 Mar.

Mary Naughton

Workshop participant, second regional workshop of the joint HOSPEEM-EPSU 2019-20 EU-funded project, Rome, Italy, 15 Nov.

Workshop participant, ERC Workshop, Florence, Italy, 28-30 Oct.

PresentationUCD Graduate Research Student Symposium 2019, UCD Sutherland School of Law, Dublin, 2 May.

Conference participant, ETUC Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 May.

Jörg Nowak

Publication 'Mass Strikes and Social Movements in Brazil and India' was mentioned as one of the 'Books of 2019' on Michael Robert's blog, 18 Dec.

Discussant, UCD Equality Studies Centre seminar, Dublin, 17 Oct.

PresentationERC Workshop, Florence, Italy, 28-30 Oct.

On 16 Sep, we welcomed our new postdoctoral researcher. Jörg was interviewed by the German newspapers TAZ  ('Dieser Streik ist politisch!') und Zeit  ('Die Klimastreik-Ausgabe') regarding the global climate strikes.

Sabina Stan

Keynote speech at the 3rd Health Benefits Convention, Vienna, Austria, 18 Dec.

Invited presentation at the joint meeting of People's Health Movement (PHM) Europe and the European Network Against Privatisation and Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection, Zagreb, Croatia, 8-10 Nov. 

At the Convention in the Hofburg Vienna

At the meeting in Zagreb

Presentation, ERC Workshop, Florence, Italy, 28-30 Oct.

Presentation with Roland Erne, ISA RC19 Annual ConferenceMannheim, Germany, 28-30 Aug. See Working Paper 4.

Panelist, fringe meeting at the 10th EPSU CongressDublin, 5 Jun.

Workshop participant, HOSPEEM-EPSU workshop 'Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Hospital Sector in the East, South and Central Europe', Bucharest, Romania, 14 Jun.

Invited talk, University of Tübingen Seminar on Social Europe, Germany, 9 May.

Conference participant, ETUC Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 May.

Invited presentation, 'Our Health Is Not For Sale! How to prevent health commercialisation and privatisation at EU level?'Brussels, Belgium, 2 Apr

The conference was supported by The Green-European Free Alliance and live-streamed from the European Parliament. Full conference brochure here.

Imre Szabó

Presentation with Darragh Golden, UCD College of Business Research Symposium, Dublin, 18 Dec.

Panelist, book launch of Wellsprings of Resistance - Struggles over water in EuropeDublin, 12 Nov.

At the book launch with Pablo Sánchez Centellas and Madelaine Moore 

Workshop participant, 'Labour & the Politics of Trade', Politics & Labour Network, University of Padova, Italy, 23-25 Oct.

Presentation, ERC Workshop, Florence, Italy, 28-30 Oct.

PresentationECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, 4-7 Sep.

Invited presentationThe Political Economy of Public Sector Wage Setting in Europe Conference, Cologne, Germany, 16-18 Sep.

PresentationISA RC19 Annual ConferenceMannheim, Germany, 28-30 Aug. See Working Paper 5.

Panelist, fringe meeting at the 10th EPSU CongressDublin, 5 Jun.

Presentation with Aurora Trif, 42nd Annual Conference of the IARCEES, Dublin, 11 May.

Conference participant, ETUC Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 May.

In General

The call for applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship within the ERC project closed on 2 May.

March to June:  We organised the UCD Spring Seminar Series Labour Politics and the EU's New Economic Governance Regime - From Horizontal to Vertical Governance?  which we invited 4 guest speakers from Germany and the USA to: Alexandra KAASCH, Christian JOERGES, Martin SEELEIB-KAISER, and Nicolas JABKO.

March:  The UCD HRM&ER Group became a member of a consortium of leading institutions (LSE, Cornell, CEU, Amsterdam, Milan, FAOS, Warwick University) which organises an annual International Doctoral Workshop on Employment Relations.


Roland Erne

PresentationUCD Geary Research Day 2018, Dublin, 13 Dec.

PresentationWSI Herbstforum 2018, Berlin, Germany, 20-21 Nov.

Presentation, international public seminar on the special issue 24-2, 2018 of the SAGE journal Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research  entitled Trade unions and the polity: agendas and alliancesDublin, 11 Oct.

Keynote speechStudy Days of the Association Francaise de Sociologie (AFS) and the Groupement d'Interet Scientifiques (GESTES), Paris, France, 6 Sep.

Keynote speech and presentationIndustrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2018, Leuven, Belgium, 10/11 Sep

As in the past years, Roland Erne was invited in September to contribute a new chapter on 'Interest Groups' to the 2020 edition of the Oxford University Press textbook Comparative Politics. The textbook is a volume including some of the world's leading comparatists in political sciences. (Sep).

PresentationUnite the UNION Ireland seminar Bargaining for ProgressDublin, 10 May. 

Presentation with Sabina Stan, International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology 2018, Toronto, Canada, 15-21 July.

Presentation with Jamie Jordan, UCD HRM & Employment Relations Research Seminar, UCD Smurfit School of Business, Dublin, 14 June.

Darragh Golden

PresentationIndustrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2018, Leuven, Belgium, 11 Sep

Jamie Jordan

PresentationIndustrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2018, Leuven, Belgium, 11 Sep

Vincenzo Maccarrone

Visiting Researcher, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, Belgium, Sep-Dec.

Presentation, University of Padua Conference, Bologna, Italy, 18 Oct. 

PresentationIndustrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2018, Leuven, Belgium, 11 Sep

Presentation, Alternate Routes Conference, Bologna, Italy, 12 Jun. 

Presentation, NERI Labour Market Conference, Galway, Ireland, 22 May. 

Sabina Stan

Presentation with Roland Erne, DCU School of Nursing and Human Sciences Research Expo, Dublin, Ireland, 5 December.

PresentationIndustrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2018, Leuven, Belgium, 11 Sep

Presentation with Roland Erne, International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology 2018, Toronto, Canada, 15-21 July.

Presentation with A. Avram, Society for Romanian Studies (SRS) 2018 Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 29 June.

Imre Szabó

Presentation, international public seminar on the special issue 24-2, 2018 of the SAGE journal Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research  entitled Trade unions and the polity: agendas and alliancesDublin, 11 Oct.

Invited presentation, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Miskolc, Hungary, 19 Sep. 

PresentationIndustrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2018, Leuven, Belgium, 11 Sep

In General

Jamie Jordan left the research team in November to commence a permanent lecturer position at De Montfort University (UK).

The call for applications for Doctoral Fellowships within the ERC project closed on 10 Apr.

The ERC Public Launch event took place in the UCD Smurfit School of Business, Dublin, 13 Mar.


Roland Erne

External expert, Eurofound, Dublin, Ireland, December. 4-year appointment following an international competition (Official Journal of the EU 2017/S 060-111260).

Presentation, SASE 29th Annual Meeting, Lyon, France, 29 Jun. 

Vincenzo Maccarrone

Presentation, 13th Conference of the ESA, Athens, Greece, 30 Aug. 

Presentation, SASE 29th Annual Meeting, Lyon, France, 29 Jun. 

Early Career Workshop Award, SASE 29th Annual Meeting, Lyon, France, 29 Jun. 

Sabina Stan

Invited talk with T. Mainil, European Patient Forum Round Table on Cross-border Healthcare, Brussels, Belgium, 4 Dec.

In General

We established a Working Paper Series in November. The first two working papers are published by Roland Erne and Andy Storey.