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Book discussion, CPERN Monthly Workshop, Online, 7 November.
Invited talk, SRF TV (Swiss broadcaster), Zurich, Switzerland, 30 October.
Book colloquium, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 28 October.
Book discussion with M. Hauptmeier (Cardiff), Eurofound, Dublin, Ireland, 18 September.
External PhD examiner, Thesis title: 'Dynamics and limits of Europeanisation: Negotiating and implementing EU employment policies regarding youth unemployment in Luxembourg', ULB Bruxelles, Belgium, 17 September.
Book presentation, Reclaim Democracy, Zurich, Switzerland, 14 September.
Book launch symposium, Politicising Commodification, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland, 5 September.
Book panel, 54th UACES Annual Conference, Trento, Italy, 2 September.
Book panel, 30th CES Conference, Lyon, France, 4 July.
Book panel, SASE Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 28 June.
Presentation with J. Nowak, ILERA 20th World Congress, New York, USA, 27 June.
Book launch symposium, Politicising Commodification, National Library, Bucharest, Romania, 21 June.
Fringe meeting at the 11th EPSU Congress to launch our book 'Politicising Commodification', Bucharest, Romania, 20 June. Watch recording here.
Book launch symposium, Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Florence, Italy, 17 June. Watch recording here.
Invited discussant, ‘Europe Day. Citizens and the reform of the European Union’, Milan, Italy, 9 May.
Lecture, Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Florence, Italy, 7 May.
Ciampi lecture, Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Florence, Italy, 30 Apr.
Ciampi visiting scholar, Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Florence, Italy, 29 Apr-12 May.
Public lecture, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania, 10 April.
Invited talk, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, 8 April.
Visiting researcher, National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), Bucharest, Romania, March/April.
Presentation with S. Stan, TraPoCo webinar, Trento, Italy, 1 March.
Presentation with S. Stan, EUHealthGov webinar, Edinburgh, UK, 28 February.
Presentation, EUSocialCit Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19 January.
Presentation, FU workshop, Berlin, Germany, 11 January.
Presentation, SNS Conference, Florence, Italy, 17 November.
Presentation, IREC 2023, Durham, UK, 19 September.
Presentation with D. Golden, CPERN (RN06) Mid-term Workshop, Naples, Italy, 10 June.
Invited talks, EWC Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 29-30 Mar.
Invited talk with S. Stan, EPSU Health and Social Services Standing Committee 58th Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 23 Feb.
Presentation with R. Erne, CPERN workshop, Naples, Italy, 10 June.
Invited discussant, Varieties of Industrial Relations in Aviation Lockdown (VIRAL) final conference, Brussels, Belgium, 8 June.
Invited talk, Varieties of Industrial Relations in Aviation Lockdown (VIRAL), Maynooth, Ireland, 20 April.
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