7 November: Roland Erne critically discussed our book Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency at the Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) Monthly Workshop with Ian Bruff (Manchester, UK), Guglielmo Meardi (SNS, Italy) and Laura Horn (Roskilde, Denmark).
5 September: We hosted the final conference of our project in the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin, Ireland, including a book discussion of Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency. The invited critics were Andreas Bieler (Nottingham, UK), Claire Kilpatrick (EUI Florence, Italy), Esther Lynch (General Secretary, ETUC, Brussels), and Angela Wigger (RU Nijmegen, Netherlands).
Evin O'Brien played a guitar intermezzo.
2 September: Roland Erne critically discussed our book Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency at the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) Conference in Trento, Italy, with Luisa Chiodi (OBC Transeuropa/CCI, Trento), Louisa Rosemary Parks (Trento), Dagmar Schieck (UCD) and Stijn Smismans (Cardiff, UK).
4 July: Roland Erne critically discussed our book Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency at the Council for European Studies' (CES) International Conference of Europeanists in Lyon, France, with Elodie Béthoux (ENS Lyon), Tiago Carvalho (Lisbon University Institute, Portugal), Claude Didry (ENS Paris), Martin Höpner (Max Planck Institute, Germany) and Martin Rhodes (Denver, USA), chaired by Hélène B. Ducros (CES).
28 June: Roland Erne critically discussed our book Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Econimcs (SASE) 2024 conference in Limerick, Ireland, with Virginia Doellgast (Cornell, USA), Miguel Martínez Lucio (Manchester, UK), Ulrike Lepont (Sciences Po Paris, France) and Arianna Tassinari (Bologna, Italy).
21 June: We launched our book Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency in the National Library in Bucharest, Romania. The invited critics were Cornel Ban (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Dorothee Bohle (Vienna, Austria) and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (Tübingen, Germany).
Brendan Ward, Ambassador of Ireland to Romania, gave a warm welcome address. The Embassy of Ireland Bucharest kindly supported our event also with a reception.
20 June: We launched our book Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency at a fringe meeting at the 11th EPSU Congress in the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, Romania. Dominika Biegon (DGB, Germany), Răzvan Gae (Sanitas, Romania), Yves Hellendorff (CNE-CSC, Belgium) and Kalle Kunkel (ver.di, Germany) were invited to critically discuss the book with the authors. Watch recording here.
17 June: We launched our book Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency at Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, Italy. The critics were Amandine Crespy (ULB Bruxelles, Belgium), Donatella della Porta (SNS Florence, Italy), Anton Hemerijck (EUI Florence, Italy), Stefanie Hürtgen (Salzburg, Austria), Guglielmo Meardi (SNS), Philippe Schmitter (EUI), Peter Turnbull (Bristol, UK) and Jonathan Zeitlin (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
9 May: Roland Erne was invited to participate in a roundtable discussion on ‘Europe Day. Citizens and the reform of the European Union’ at the Centro Comunitario Puecher in Milan, Italy. The intervention also included Paolo Lorenzetti (European Federalist Movement of Milan) and Vittorio Agnoletto (former Member of European Parliament).
30 April: As part of his invitation to the prestigious Ciampi Institute at the SNS in Florence, Roland Erne presented on 'Trajectories of transnational social protests in Europe'.
29-30 June: We organised an international workshop on 'Governance by Numbers and its Discontents'. The invited speakers were Maurizio Atzeni (Alberto Hurtado & CEIL/CONICET, Chile), Sarrah Kassem (Tübingen, Germany), Valeria Pulignano (KU Leuven, Belgium), Kurt Vandaele (ETUI, Belgium) and Alex Wood (Bristol, UK).
19-24 June: We held a Doctoral Workshop on Research Quality and Productivity, led by Sarosh Kuruvilla (Cornell, USA).
31 May: Everyone was welcome to attend our seminar 'European Economic Governance and Labour Politics. From the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency: Findings from our 'European Unions' ERC project'. Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick (Birkbeck, UK), Elke Heins (Edinburgh, UK), Richard Hyman (LSE, UK) and Nathan Lillie (Jyväskylä, Finland) were invited to discuss with Roland Erne and the delegates of the EMLS university network. The workshop was organised by Huw Thomas and Roland Erne.
20-21 April: Together with Valeria Pulignano (KU Leuven, Belgium), Marco Hauptmeier (Cardiff, UK) and Peter Turnbull (Bristol, UK), Roland Erne organised a workshop on 'Transnational Employment Relations in the European Union'. This international workshop took place in the Irish College Leuven and will lead to a special issue of the Industrial and Labor Relations Review published by Cornell University.
4 April: Donatella della Porta from the Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy, visited us to give a talk on 'Transnational Collective Action: Some reflection on cross-national diffusion in pandemic times'. This event was organised in conjunction with the Jean Monnet Network 'Transnational Political Contention in Europe (TraPoCo)'. The Network is led by Donatella and includes Roland Erne, Darragh Golden and Imre Szabó as network partners. Everybody was very welcome.
The event was livestreamed and recorded.
27 January: We hosted a public seminar entitled 'Shaping labour markets in the EU. The 'new' skills of migrant workers'. Our guest was Devi Sacchetto from University of Padova, Italy.
Everybody was very welcome.
12 November: We co-organised with EPSU and the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation the launch of Madelaine Moore's book Wellsprings of Resistance - Struggles over water in Europe. In addition to the author (University of Kassel), the speakers included Pablo Sánchez Centellas (EPSU) and Imre Szabó (UCD). The event was moderated by Federico Tomasone (Rosa Luxembourg Foundation) and topped off by a wine reception.
Everybody was very welcome. See also the event and the video on Facebook.
28-30 October: The ERC team held a public workshop at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence (Italy) in conjunction with the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS). The team discussed their first project findings with S. Bartolini, B. Laffan, P. Schmitter, A. Héritier (EUI); G. Meardi, L. Cini (SNS); M. Dawson (Hertie School); and D. Sacchetto (University of Padova).
Everybody was very welcome. Please register here.
12 June: Roland Erne closed the Spring Seminar Series with the question:The Multinational Firm - The Archetype for the New EU Governance Regime?
5 June: Sabina Stan and Imre Szabó organised a fringe meeting at the 10th EPSU Congress in Dublin (Ireland) with Clivia Conrad (ver.di, Germany) and Razvan Gae (Sanitas, Romania) on 'Trade Union Perspectives on the EU's New Economic Governance in Healthcare and Water Services'. Darragh Golden moderated their discussion.
30 May: Martin Seeleib-Kaiser from University of Tübingen (Germany) covered EU Citizenship, Freedom of Movement and Social Protection in the fourth UCD Spring Seminar.
15 May: The third event of the UCD Spring Seminar Series opened the floor to Nicolas Jabko from John Hopkins University Baltimore (USA), who talked about Contested Governance - The New Repertoire of the Eurozone Crisis (article here).
20 March: Our second guest, Christian Joerges from Hertie School of Governance Berlin (Germany), outlined that "Das Recht hört hier auf" (The Law Runs Out Here) - European Law after the Turn to New Modes of Economic Governance.
6 March: The first invited speaker of our UCD Spring Seminar Series, Alexandra Kaasch from Bielefeld University (Germany), presented on European Health Policies in a Global Social Policy Context.
The seminars took place at 12:00pm in the Quinn School, room Q233, except the seminar on 30 May at 13:00.
All were very welcome! Please email bianca.foehrer@ucd.ie to secure your place.
11 October: We hosted an international public seminar on the special issue 24-2, 2018 of the Sage journal Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research entitled Trade unions and the polity: agendas and alliances.
13 March: We celebrated publicly the start of the project at our ERC Public Launch Event.
One of the world's leading scholars in European Union studies and comparative labour politics, Philippe C. Schmitter, from the European University Institute in Florence, delivered a thought-provoking keynote speech. Lisa O'Neill performed live three labour-related songs. Cooking for the end of Direct Provision, OurTable refreshed our numerous guests with delicious food and drinks.
(Andy Storey mentions OurTable in his article about Direct Provision in Ireland.)
14/15 June: We hosted a UCD Jean Monnet Chair Lunchtime Seminar Series.
University of Nottingham
Global Restructuring & Resistance
Labour Politics & the Euro Zone Crisis in Portugal & Greece
15 June 2017
University of Jyväskylä
Inclusion or Exclusion?
Trade Union Strategies and Labour Migration
14 June 2017
Warwick Business School
Between institutions and movements
Comparing union strategies in fashion retail in Italy and US
14 June 2017
UCD School of Business
University College Dublin
Dublin 4, Ireland
+353 1 716 47 46